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'The soundtrack, narration, and fast pace signal a great future career in filmmaking.'
Tokyo International Monthly Film Festival
The Liberty Bell Museum Commercial
I attempted to bring a filmmaker's vision to The Liberty Bell Museum commercial. 'What started as a school project with my documentary about the Liberty Bell led to me being asked to make this commercial for this exceptional museum in the heart of Allentown, Pennsylvania.' I produced, shot, wrote, and edited this film. The short film was used on The Liberty Bell Museum home page for nearly two years before the museum's closure after over 60 years in existence. I was fortunate to have played a small role in the museum's storied history.
'Carter and his work are so very important to telling the story of the Liberty Bell.'
Dr. Dennis Blankwitsch - Liberty Bell Museum Board of Directors President
Virgin Cinefest - Award Winner (Young Filmmaker Under 18)
Black Swan International Film Festival - Award Winner (Young Filmmaker Under 18)
IndieFest Film Awards - Award Winner (Young Filmmaker Under 18)
Calcutta International Film Festival - Award Winner (Young Filmmaker Under 18)
Luis Bunuel Memorial Awards - Award Winner (Young Filmmaker Under 18)
Mountain View International Film Festival - Award Winner (Young Filmmaker Under 18)
SoCal International Film Festival - Award Winner
Royal Society of Television and Motion Picture - Award Winner (Young Filmmaker Under 18)
Cult Critic Movie Awards - Award Winner (Young Filmmaker Under 18)
Oasis International Film Festival - Award Winner (Young Filmmaker Under 18)
Tokyo International Monthly Film Festival - Finalist (Best Student Film)
Athens International Monthly Film Festival - Finalist (Best Student Film)
London International Monthly Film Festival - Finalist (Best Studnet Film)
Washington Film Awards -Semi-Finalist (Young Filmmaker Award Under 18)
Jaisalmer International Film Festival - Award Winner (Young Filmmaker Award Under 18)
Jean Luc Goddard Awards (Nominated - Young Filmmaker Award Under 18)
DRUK International Film Festival - Award Winner (Young Filmmaker Under 18)
Alder International Film Festival - Award Winner and Premiere Screening
Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival - Official Selection and Florida Premiere
Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival - Florida Premiere

Alder International Film Festival - Illinois Premiere

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